Kahana, E & Kahana B. (In press). Recruitment Challenges for Research Inclusions among Disabled Veterans with Mild Cognitive Impairment. In A. Cascio & E. Racine (Eds.), Involving Participants with Cognitive Disabilities & Differences: Ethics, Autonomy, Inclusion, and Innovation, Oxford University Press.
Schneider, C. & Kahana, E. (In press). Living the Forgetting Experience: Recruitment Issues among Populations with MCI. Oxford University Press.
Kahana, E., Kahana, B., Bhatta, T., Landendoerfer, K., Lee, J.E. & Lekhak, N. (2019). Racial Differences in Future Care Planning in Late Life. Ethnicity and Health.
Bhatta, T.R., Albert, J.M., Kelley, J. & Kahana, E. (2018).Gendered “Long Arm” of Parental Education? Life Course Influences on Later Life Functional Limitations in India. Journal of Aging and Health.
Kahana, E., Kahana, B., Goler, T. & Kahana, J. (2018). A Mutuality Model of Grandparent Granchild: relationships. In Hayslip B & Fruhauf C, Handbook of Grandparenting: The changing dynamics of family relationships. Springer publishers.
Kahana, E. & Kahana, B. (2018). Research advances in grandparent grandchild relationships. In Hayslip, B& Fruhauf C, Handbook of grandparenting: The changing dynamics of family relationships. Springer publishers.
Kahana, B., Kahana, E., & Wolf J. K. (2018). Grappling with forgiveness: Perspectives of Jewish, LGBT and Roma Holocaust survivors. In J. Kiper & S. Rocco (Eds.), Perspectives on Forgiveness: Contrasting Approaches to Concepts of Forgiveness and Revenge. London: Brill Press.
Kahana B, Yu, J. Kahana, E & Langerdoerfer ( 2018), K. Whose advocacy counts in shaping elderly patients’ satisfaction with physicians’ care and communication? Clinical Interventions in Aging, June 25 ;13: 1161-1168.doi:10.2147/CIA.S165086
Chen, L., Ye, M., & Kahana, E. (2018). “Their Today Is Our Future” Direct Carers’ Work Experience and Formal Caring Relationships in a Community-Based Eldercare Program in Shanghai. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 0733464816653360.
Kahana, B., Kahana, E., Bhatta, T., Ye, M., Yu, J. (2017) Altruism and life satisfaction among LGBT older adults. In Alexandra M. Columbus (Ed.) Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 120, Nova Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-53610-560-5
Cumming G., Luciano J., Kahana E., Molik, D., French, T.& Currie H. (2017). Health Web Science: Formulating Healthcare for the 21st Century in A. Audrain (Ed.) Digitalization of Health Care: Challenges and Opportunities. Chapter 5 PP. 81-98
Lee, J. E., Kahana, B., & Kahana, E. (2017). Successful Aging from the Viewpoint of Older Adults: Development of a Brief Successful Aging Inventory (SAI). Gerontology, 63(4), 359-371.
Kahana, J., & Kahana, E. (2017). Disability and Aging: Learning from Both to Empower the Lives of Older Adults. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner Publishers.
Kahana, E., Slone, M., Kahana, B., Langendoerfer, K., & Reynolds, C. (2017). Beyond Ageist Attitudes: Researchers Call for NIH Action to Limit Funding for Older Academics, The Gerontologist. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnw190
Bhatta,T., Albert,J., Kahana, E., & Lekhak ,N. (2017). Early Origins of Later Life Psychological Well-being: A Novel Application of Causal Mediation Analysis to Life Course Research, (Invited Submission for Methodological Innovations in Gerontology: Advances in Psychosocial Research special issue of Journal of Gerontology: Psychological and Social Science.) doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbx022
Ye, M., Chen, L., & Kahana, E. (2016). Mealtime Interactions and Life Satisfaction among Older Adults in Shanghai. Journal of Aging and Health, 0898264316641080.
Kahana, E., Lee, J., Kahana, J., Goler, T., Kahana, B., Shick, S., Burk, E., & Barnes, K. (2015). Childhood autism and proactive family coping: Intergenerational perspectives. Journal of Intergenerational Research 13(2): 150-166, doi:10.1080/15350770.2015.1026759
Lee, J., Kahana, E., Kahana, B., & Barnes, K. (2015). Positive affect, depressive symptoms, and arthritis pain of elderly individuals over time. Healthy Aging Research, 4:16 (23 February 2015).
Lee, J., Kahana, E., & Kahana, B. (2015). Social support and cognitive function as resources for elderly in chronic arthritis pain. Aging and Mental Health. Francis and Taylor Publishers. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2015.1013920.
Kahana, E., Kahana, B., Lee, J. E., Bhatta, T., & Wolf, J. K. (2015). Trauma and the life course in a Cross-National perspective: Focus on Holocaust survivors living in Hungary. Traumatology, 21(4), 311-321.