The group of Prof. Burda draws post-docs and graduate students from all parts of the world. Life in the Burda Group is multicultural, eclectic, and dynamic – always pursuing excellence.

Research in the Center of Chemical Dynamics and Nanomaterials Research involves collaboration with several national centers on nanomaterials research. Students will be integrated in the ongoing research of novel and functional nanomaterials. We prepare nanomaterials with new electronic, magnetic, and optical properties with applications in catalysis, photovoltaics, micro/nano-electronics and sensors, and biology/medicine.

Laboratory training includes synthesis of nanomaterials, surface conjugation techniques, and fine-tuning of nanomaterial properties by adjusting the chemistry of increasingly complex systems. A wide range of state-of-the-art characterization techniques is available for use on campus, and specialized studies are conducted at National Laboratories. Opto-electronic characterization is performed in our laser lab; where chemical reactions can be investigated with nanometer (10-9 m) resolution in space, and femtosecond (10-15 s) resolution in time. Please contact Prof. Burda by email if you are interesting in learning more.

Post-Doctoral Positions:

Applicants with appropriate background are encouraged to contact Prof. Burda via email. Positions include research in the fields of femtosecond laser spectroscopy, nanomaterials synthesis and characterization, photophysics, photochemistry, biomedicine, and biosensors.

Graduate Training & Ph.D. Program:

Graduate students participate in one or more of the described researc areas above. Novel nanostructured materials will be synthesized, characterized, and brought to application. Almost all former Ph.D. students are now professors at other universities, while others took up positions in industry. Look through out People page to see what our past members are up to.

Undergraduate Training:

Motivated students are encouraged to take part in our research endeavor.