Check out SpAR Lab at the 2017 OSLHA Convention!
March 30th – April 1st
Columbus, OH

Kicking it off with Thursday night dinner at Pint House. Clockwise: Ann Holmes, Nardine Taleb, Kristina Bowdrie, Brandi Jett, Gretchen Xue, Jessica Kong, Lauren Calandruccio, and Mary Lowery.
Friday Luncheon

Some good talks–and definitely some good food.

Fifth from the left, Mary Lowery receives the award for Outstanding Undergraduate Student!

At the center: Tori Gallo, Scholarship Winner!

Happy Smiles and Satisfied Bellies
Poster Session–Great job everyone!

CONGRATULATIONS to undergraduates ANN and NARDINE in winning 3rd Place for the Research Poster Presentation in a competition against PhD students!

Brandi and Gretchen showing off their pretty poster.

Mary smiles as brightly as the smiley faces on her poster.
Thank you Columbus!

Lunchtime Group Selfie at the North Market

On the right, CWRU representatives Blair Gorenberg and Tori Gallo compete in the Praxis Bowl. (Keep your speech and hearing science notes safe.)

Color scheme on point.