Turning of the tides?

James briefly pauses his search to take in the view of an impressive wind scoop. 

Have the tides turned? This morning started out a bit rough. Yesterday’s storm decided to bully “Sparky”. We all chipped in to dig it out of the snow and eventually freed it to get on with the day. The morning brought some nice scenery and a few meteorites. We went back to camp for lunch. We prepared chicken and provolone hot sandwiches on our end – they were impressive in their lack of flavour but they held us over and were a nice warm meal. In the afternoon we set off and rounded a corner into another large area of blue ice. It was then it appears our luck changed. By the time the day was done, we had tripled our bag and tag count coming into today. After dinner today we once again joined John and Ioannis in their tent for some more readings from the journal of Scott and Amundsen during their race to the pole. Today John added a reading from an essay on “The Worst Journey in the World” (Christmas gift from rph). James and I get the impression John reveres the hardness of these men so much we’re about to lose our tents in an effort to replicate the experience. We have no aspirations of thawing our way into a frozen sleeping bag – our tent is icy enough. We have covered 52 miles since arriving at Nødtvedt Nunatak.

Posted by Scott from Nødtvedt Nunatak on 2017-12-27 at 21:30.