The Systematic Search Team are now whole…


Joe Boyce, Recon Team, McMurdo, 13th December 2012

As you have just seen from Andrew’s post – the ANSMET Systematic Search Team is now officially and completely deployed! The aircraft scheduling issues were worked and, at least for a while, back on track. The second half of the Systematic Team left McMurdo yesterday afternoon, and arrived 2 hours later at Ottway. The first half of the team were overjoyed to receive them and the equipment they brought. The Recon Team bid them a tearful (maybe somewhat exaggerated) farewell, and then quickly headed for the Galley to do what we do best! The Recon Team is ready to go and is scheduled for tomorrow, providing the aircraft stay healthy and weather cooperates. In the mean time, we are enjoying the indoor plumbing, warm rooms, vegetables, and the opportunity for a hot shower.