Expected end of season schedule

Quick note from Da Boss

I talked to the team last night via iridium phone.  Looks like they can get about 3-4 more days of searching in,  then they’ll start packing up for the homeward trip.  It takes the best part of two days each leg in perfect weather;  two days back to CTAM, a day of re-arranging cargo (turning 8 twin-otter loads into one or two LC-130 loads) then one or two days back to McMurdo.  With current schedules and excellent weather, the team should hit McMurdo about the 22nd;  but that’s not been how it works this season, so stay tuned.

They report a total of about 250 meteorites so far, and expect to have more than 300 when they’re done.   That’s lower than average for a season but given the difficulties in getting the full crew out there,  it’s a pretty good haul.