Hi all! Sorry for the delay in posting. We did make it to McMurdo on our first attempt. The flight was excruciatingly long, cramped and, for the most part, excessively hot, but the important thing is that we made it!

The couple of days since then have been a whirlwind of briefings and training on everything from skidoo training, safety procedures around McMurdo, how to select the food that we will need for our six weeks out, and some basic survival training. We have also done a lot of gear pull, getting together the things we need for the field: sleeping kits, kitchen gear, emergency supplies etc. We did have one nice diversion: a trip down to the Kiwi Scott Base where we could do some shopping for souvenirs.
Tomorrow we head out to the ice for our shakedown, where we will learn how to put up the tents, do some crevasse training (hopefully) and basically test all the stuff we brought we will be using. Stay tuned…

Posted by Christine, December 5, McMurdo