Omnipotent Antarctic Gods (cue The Rolling Stones: “Under my Thumb”

That the Antarctic Gods control the weather here is known to all Antarctic travelers. What is less appreciated is that the gods also control activities that humans mistakenly think are under their control. Take for example, cashes of aviation fuel out at Shackleton Glacier camp.  Our plans to fly to the Shackleton camp and deploy from there to our field sites via Twin Otter aircraft were absolutely dashed in part because the McMurdo logistic system was unable to get sufficient quantities of aviation fuel to the camp. You would think that was under human purview, but no. As mere mortals, we were not allowed even that simple bit of control over our fates. We were unable to appease the gods because we could not find a lamb to sacrifice, they are rare here.  Therefore Ralph made other offerings: Lindsay, Brian, Duck and Ralph himself will go home. These offerings have been accepted this afternoon, and an alternate mission is on.

The attached pictures are taken from the Hut Hill while ruminating on the affairs on man in Antarctica.

– Duck and Alex from McMurdo.