During skidoo training, Jim demonstrates how to fight off hungry Yetis from the comfort of your “snow tractor”.
As we are sitting by a cosy fire, we have almost completed our first 1.5 days of the first dedicated ANSMET boot camp today. Another half day will come tomorrow. So far we went over how to not kill yourself in the field, how to use the skidoo, how to set up a tent (outside and inside – which depends on the person you will tent with, if that is John, you will just be happy with what he wants), food, and clothing. Tonight will talk about high altitude sickness and some other things. We are excited to get deployedy in less than a month and try out everything we have learned so far. See you all at the bottom of the world!
-Juliane, Barbara, and Scott at the Pink Pig in Cleveland, October 28th 2017 at 6:44pm
Note added by Ralph- this was a “test post” composed by some of our team’s newest bloggers using our iridium system for the first time. Took many tries over 16 hours but eventually it worked, a good sign for the coming season. More on the Bootcamp will be forthcoming.