It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas (eve)… With the poor lighting today making a trek to the blue ice not advisable, we put the finishing touches up on camp and made a short run to Nødtvedt Nunatak (and hiked to the top) to get a view of the blue ice we’ll be searching in the coming days. The wind was calm, but bad weather could be seen in the distance so we didn’t stay long. Upon returning to camp, James and I brought some food to John and Ioannis’ tent where they had prepared something complimentary. We shared in good food and conversation, listening to many stories (and the odd joke from John). After dinner it was time for the gift exchange. There were gifts from each other, our team mates on Team A whom we exchanged well wishes via sat phone, rph back in Cleveland, as well as from other members of the community. It was a wonderful evening and a sincere thank-you to everyone’s thoughtful gifts and wishes. There was an added bonus after the move of changing into a fresh pair of clothes! New (fresh) socks and Christmas were made for each other. We hope the weather tomorrow will be fair and we can get to one of those massive blue ice sheets we saw from our trip today. As the Team B blogger designate, I thought I’d end today’s post with some messages from the other Team B members to those reading back home. Ioannis wanted to say: kala xristougenna se olous me ygeia. idiaitera sthn oikogeneia mou kai th gynaika mou Foteini. James and I each wish all our family and loved ones back home, a wonderful holiday season and know we’re all thinking of you and looking forward to more memories and time together. After 36 years in the Antarctic, John has refined his reply to an eloquent single word: Likewise.
Posted by Scott from Nødtvedt on 2017-12-24 at 21:30 local.