Hosie sitting on Human Waste buckets before we shipped them out on the resupply. Sheridan sez: He didnt give me a picture to attach to this blog so i thought this would be a good one 🙂
As the weeks away from home keep piling up, I wanted to write a note about all those family and friends we left behind while fulfilling our ANSMET dreams. All of us are truly appreciative for your efforts; doing everything from taking care of our kids and pets to paying our bills. Jim and I both thank our wives for taking care of Adelaide (funny fact – we both named our daughters this rare moniker). My wife also has Jeremiah to help(?) her with the little one. He is turning 5 years old tomorrow so happy birthday little buddy! I am so sorry to be missing your big day, but we’ll have an extra party when I get home! Lisa, you are an amazing wife and mom.
All of us have wonderful and supportive friends and family that are making sacrifices on our behalf. You might not know it, but we all have learned a heck of a lot about each of you. Especially you wives and significant others – all your dirty laundry has been aired 🙂 That’s because we talk a lot about the important people in our lives with our new ANSMET family (and sometimes we need a break from talking about meteorites). Yo Bobby, Ringo says hi! Tucker, Sheridan would like to live in the same state as you someday (but you probably already knew that). Rachel, good luck with that work in progress named Paul. 🙂 Everyone down here has been rooting for my dad after his unexpected heart surgery a couple weeks back (recovery is going well!). It’s hard being away from the special people in our lives and missing the important moments, both good and bad. Know that we are thinking of you. Perhaps as early as this Monday, members of our team will begin the long, multi-stag e journey north. So hang in there and we will see you all soon.
– Brian “Hosie” Hynek