The Things She Will Carry (to New Zealand)

As a newbie, I have been assembling and re-considering all my gear for the last couple of weeks. I have been reading and re-reading Ralph’s advice to the field team (a separate tab on this website) and lists that ANSMET veterans have shared. ANSMET veteran Barbara Cohen’s list in particular is wonderfully detailed and super helpful! There has also been fun shopping at outdoor stores with my dad on a recent short visit to Minnesota (along with spurts of semi-panicked internet shopping). Plus, weighing and culling so that I have a fighting chance of making the 70 Ibs weight limit for the flight from New Zealand to McMurdo Station after picking up more gear at the CDC in Christchurch. The photo includes the almost-final assemblage of my gear (minus some surprise-gifts from Juliane Gross!). I *think* am ready!

I am excited and thankful to be a member of the ANSMET team! Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving from Nicole Lunning!