John Schutt’s preferred grooming habit (a reprint from 2014).
Hi everyone. I’ve got a little bit of information for you after some emails exchanged between Marc Caffee in Christchurch, Jim Karner and John Schutt in McMurdo, and myself. Marc should be flying down to McMurdo right now aboard a New Zealand C-130; earlier this morning he was “…having a civilized breakfast of eggs benedict…” with the other folks heading south. Meanwhile the rest of the crew have been finishing up their food pulls and getting the remainder of their gear into the cargo system; after that’s complete there’s nothing to do but wait for the call to fly. John is still in McMurdo as well, his flight out to Davis-Ward to begin grooming was cancelled for today (no reason given).
When the grooming team does finally get to fly it looks like it will be John, a BFC person and Jim Karner as official third-wheel. Here’s how he puts it: “…… The idea is that I would switch out at resupply time, or with the way things are going, switch when the team gets in. We’ve heard contrasting stories on when the Basler will be back at McMurdo, as it is in West Antarctica now and apparently getting a lot done for the Thwaites project. Some predict it will be back by the 21st, and some predict maybe by the 23rd, and everyone is on holiday the 24th and 25th, so realistically it does not look good for the team getting in until after Christmas”.
That’s the news for the day. I’m glad to see Marc making progress; and sorry to see the groomers and the main field team stalled. Please request, from the holidays tradition of your choice, speedy and safe travels for the whole bunch.
-posted by Ralph from snowy, gray (or grey) Novelty, Ohio.