For an old fart like me, it’s amazing to get near-real-time updates. Two pics from Minako texted to me at the moment of departure (about 4:30 pm EST, 10:30 am CHC time)!
As Dr. Righter reports, their ride is the legendary Kiwi Herc. Slow (about 7.5 hrs minimum), noisy (four big props tearing up the air), uncomfortably cramped (if you don’t have your knee in between someone else’s knees, you’re in first class), and utterly, utterly reliable. Imagine being with 6 of your friends and 50 strangers in a silo while a giant plays it like it’s a didgeridoo through the Philip Glass composition Music in 12 Parts TWICE and that’s pretty close to the basic experience.
God speed, ANSMET heroes, we’re all flying with you in spirit. And fly with pride- most of us are really, really jealous.