a happy, meteorite-filled day.

Carbonaceous chondrite, maybe?

Today was a happy, meteorite-filled day at Davis Ward.
The team found 17 space rocks, including what we think are two carbonaceous chondrites. These meteorites are among the coolest rocks in the solar system because they contain some of the first solids formed in the solar system. They likely originate from asteroids.
These rare specimens have been in the spotlight lately.  Scientists have been hunting for a subset of carbonaceous chondrites through the Osiris Rex mission, whose aim is to collect samples from the asteroid Bennu.
Carbonaceous chondrites contain organic compounds, some of which are like the starter pack for life.
Apart from our 17 finds, the team is also living in awe of the sites around camp. It’s wavy blue ice as far as the eye can see in some parts. When the sun hits it just right, it looks golden and iridescent. Riding our snowmobiles on this glimmering sea of ice is a true privilege—something most people never get to see. We’re so happy and grateful to be here!!
– Daniela from Davis Ward