View from our tent door soon after James dug it out first thing in the morning. In the background, flags give a sense of wind strength alongside the third tent.
The winds ramped up yesterday afternoon and continued through the night and into today. Our best guess is between the temperature and the wind, we’re sitting somewhere around -70C with the windchill today – maybe lower. James bravely leaped a considerable snow drift to dig out our tent door this morning and I’ll take my turn at it in a few hours. It really is an awesome sight/sound and reminds you who is in charge down here. Looking at the wider angle, we are nestled in amongst mountain peaks with a couple kilometers of ice below us and caught in an Antarctic storm. We all want to be out hunting for meteorites, but the power and ferocity of the cold and wind here never ceases to remind us where we are and in a way we all are grateful for it. Hemmed in our tents today, James and I are going to offer a collaborative blog post. We’ve attempted to focus the Team B blog thus far on a theme of “what it is like to be here” and we’ll continue with that theme in a blog post coming later today.
Posted by Scott from a rumbling tent at Nødtvedt Nunatak on 2017-12-26 at 11:45 local.