Have questions about the US’s Antarctic Search for Meteorites program?   You’ve come to the right place- the Principal Investigator of ANSMET or his lazy former PI and demoted to Co-I always embrace the illusion of accessibility.  You can learn more about them on the FAQ page,  but you can also contact either directly using the information below. We are also always willing to help you find pictures, data, videos,  ANSMET vets near you, contacts at the Antarctic meteorite facilities, the US Antarctic Program,  you name it. Whatever you think we can help you with,  do not hesitate to ask You can even ask for the Moon- or at least a falling star.


Jim Karner (left) and Ralph Harvey (right).

PI and Main Contact:

James Karner

Dept. of Geology and Geophysics

University of Utah

Phone: (801) 581-7062

Email: j.karner@utah.edu


Co-I and Wise Old Sage:

Ralph Harvey

Dept. of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Science

Case Western Reserve University

Phone: (216) 368-0198

Email: rph@case.edu