SpAR Lab members donated their time at the Cleveland Clinic last Friday for a joint service event with the Children’s Hosptial. The lab bonded over tie-blanket making. The blankets will be given out as presents to the pediatric patients and their families throughout the Holiday season. Thank you to all the students who took time out of their day during finals to make this a successful and rewarding event!

From left to right: (top) Varun Gupta, Monroe Chen, Cassandra Lopez, Nardine Taleb, Daniel Wiedman, (bottom) Alyssa Liusie, Jessica Kong, Dr. Lauren Calandruccio, and Gretchen Xue

Tie-blanket team 1

Tie-blanket team 2

Cozy blankets made with love!
The SpAR Lab wishes everyone a safe and joyful holiday season!!