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The weather gods were angry

Greetings faithful blog readers, greetings from McMurdo Station … still. I must have been deemed unworthy to fly by the Antarctic weather gods, because when we called into fixed-wing operations to get word on our flight, the word was “cancelled!” The weather looking south in the general direction of...

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Almost flying

So far so good. I am in the departure lounge for Antarctica. Everything is going smoothly this morning. Shuttle picked me up along with several other antarctic people, delivered us to the CDC where we got dressed for action, and after a brief check in we were released...

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Ralph’s turn in the CDC

  Hello all,  I made it to Christchurch yesterday afternoon, after 28 hrs of flying (Cleveland to Dallas/Fort Worth to Sydney to Christchurch. It's never comfortable to sit on a plane for 17 hours (that DFW to SYD leg) but I slept pretty well, and that makes a big difference.  Had...

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Never ready to go.

  Hi all,  Ralph here.  In two hours I leave home for Antarctica.  This will be my 24th trip in 30 years (my first trip was in 1987). Still, I'm as nervous as I've ever been! There are Triassic-sized butterflies in my tummy.  I'll be en route to Christchurch for roughly 28 hours...

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