Sauvé’s Research Group

Welcome to the Sauvé Group website. Our group synthesizes new conjugated molecules and polymers for opto-electronic applications, and studies their structure-property relationships. We are particularly interested in combining the advantages of organic and inorganic compounds into novel hybrid organic/inorganic functional materials.

Current projects include design and study of alternative electron acceptors for organic solar cells, conjugated polymers with good mechanical properties and n-type conjugated materials with deep LUMO energy levels for opto-electronics applications.

Members of our group do synthesis and characterization of new materials, study their optical and electrochemical properties, study their solid-state morphology, evaluate their charge transport properties, and test them in solar cells and in transistors. To further advance knowledge, we collaborate actively with other groups across many disciplines, including physics, chemistry and engineering.



We currently have no post-doctoral positions available.

Prospective graduate students:  please apply to our Ph.D. program: Apply here

Undergraduate and master students interested in research, please contact Dr. Sauve directly.