Group lunch May 7, 2024


Teddy Prokvolit at ACS SEED Poster Session, July 28. 2023


BBQ after Muyuan’s thesis defense, May 13, 2022. From left to right: David Raufman, Genevieve Sauve, Anna Ryder, Quynh Tran, Lexi Knight, Muyuan Zhao, Alex Bushnell


Jay’s thesis defense, June 30, 2021. From left to right: Quynh, Lexi, Muyuan, Jay and Genevieve S.

Group hike, June 1, 2021, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Brandywine Falls

Chunlai successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis August 13, 2019. Congratulations!


SEED student Manal Faleh, Summer 2019.


SEED Student Manal Faleh, Summer 2018


Great symposium dinner at 2017 ACS Fall National Meeting in Washington D.C. Thanks Frieder, Noonan and Pietrangelo for organizing “Non-conventional Building Blocks in Conjugated Materials: Innovative Designs & New Applications”.


SEED Student Yondez Webb, Summer 2017


Good bye lunch for Forrest, who is going to the University of Chicago! June 2016

Forrest’s defense, March 2, 2016. Congratulations Forrest!


Carson Britt – Summer 2015


Brendan Graziano – REU summer 2015


Cassie’s defense, August 26, 2015. Congratulations Cassie!

Good bye lunch for Roshan and Wasana, who are going to Colorado! June 2015.

February 27, 2015. From left to right: Roshan, Chunlai, Carson, Cassie, Forrest, Genevieve and Sandra


Group members (from left to right): Geneviève Sauvé, Roshan, Forrest, Matt, Mao, Julya, Qin, Wasana, Cassie and Jun. Photo taken 9/17/2013.

Group Photo

Group members (from left to right): Geneviève Sauvé, Cassie, Xin, Margaret, Joshua, Wasana, Roshan, Mao. Picture taken Jan 2011.

Group Photo

Group members (from left to right): Geneviève Sauvé, Wasana, Josh, Maggie, Quinn, Lei, Mao, Roshan. Picture taken Sept. 17, 2010.


Group Photo

April 1, 2010 From left to right: Cassie Daddario, Wasana, Prof. Geneviève Sauvé, Roshan and Mao