Weather Maps | Changes in Climate | Lop Basin of Asia | Syria | Yucatana and Central America | Southwestern United States
1351.A.1 | Cleveland weather map, February 8, 1909 |
1351.A.2 | Cleveland weather map, February 9, 1909 |
1351.A.3 | Cleveland weather map, February 10, 1909 |
1351.A.4 | Cleveland weather map, February 11, 1909 |
1351.A.5 | Cleveland weather map, February 12, 1909 |
1351.A.6 | Cleveland weather map, February 13, 1909 |
1351.B.1 | Cleveland weather map, April 27, 1909 |
1351.B.2 | Cleveland weather map, April 28, 1909 |
1351.B.3 | Cleveland weather map, April 29, 1909 |
1351.B.4 | Cleveland weather map, April 30, 1909 |
1351.B.5 | Cleveland weather map, May 1, 1909 |
CHANGES IN CLIMATE. Lop Basin of Asia. |
1361.B.1 | Climatic changes, Zone of vegetation, near Chira, Chinese Turkestan. Poplars and tamarisks under diminishing water. |
1361.B.2 | Climatic changes. Dandon Uilik, Ruin. Tekla Makan Desert, Chinese Turkestan. |
1361.B.3 | Climatic changes. Ruins of Lulan. Chinese Turkestan. |
1361.B.4 | Climatic changes, Old beach lines of Lop Nor. Chinese Turkestan, Interior Asia. |
1361.C.1 | Climatic changes. Desert south of south end of Dead Sea, Syria. The “Wilderness”. |
1361.C.2 | Climatic changes. Ruins of Palmyra, northern end of Syrian Desert. |
1361.C.3 | Climatic changes. Ruins of Petra. Western margin Syrian Desert, S. of Dead Sea. |
1361.C.4 | Climatic changes. Diagrams to show dates of inscriptions in Syrian Desert. Princeton Expedition. |
1361.D.1 | Map of Yucatan and Central America. |
1361.D.2 | Map of Yucatan and Central America. |
1361.D.3 | Climatic changes. Increased rainfall. Farmer’s hut in midst of Labna, Yucatan. Typical of Indians today. |
1361.D.4 | Climatic changes. Increased rainfall. Arch at Labna, Yucatan. |
1361.D.5 | Climatic changes. Increased rainfall. Ruins of Chac-Multan, Yucatan. |
1361.D.6 | Climatic changes. Increased rainfall. Ruins of Copan, Honduras. |
1361.D.7 | Sites of Mayan occupation at time the Mayan culture dominated Yucatan. |
1361.E.1 | Arizona and New Mexico. |
1361.E.2 | Curve of redwood growth and Euro-Asiatic climate curve. |
1361.E.3 | Yearly increment of wood of 4 trees to show variation and agreement. |
1361.E.4 | Sequoia tree. Probably 2500 years old. California. |
1361.E.5 | Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. Ruins of Tivonyi in Canyon de los Frijoles. N.W. New Mexico. near Santa Fe. |
1361.E.6 | Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. Ruins of Pueblo Bonita, Chaco Canyon, northwest New Mexico. |
1361.E.7 | Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. Site of ancient village Southern Arizona. Stones for grinding. |
1361.E.8 | Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. Terraces of Cocospera valley. Mission Church, northern Sonora, Mexico. |
1361.E.9 | Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. The Trinchera Terraces, Magdelena River, northern Sonora, Mexico. |
1361.E.10 | Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. The Trinchera Terraces, Magdelena River, northern Sonora, Mexico. |