Weather Maps  |  Changes in Climate  |  Lop Basin of Asia  |  Syria  |   Yucatana and Central America  |  Southwestern United States



1351.A.1 Cleveland weather map, February 8, 1909
1351.A.2 Cleveland weather map, February 9, 1909
1351.A.3 Cleveland weather map, February 10, 1909
1351.A.4 Cleveland weather map, February 11, 1909
1351.A.5 Cleveland weather map, February 12, 1909
1351.A.6 Cleveland weather map, February 13, 1909


1351.B.1 Cleveland weather map, April 27, 1909
1351.B.2 Cleveland weather map, April 28, 1909
1351.B.3 Cleveland weather map, April 29, 1909
1351.B.4 Cleveland weather map, April 30, 1909
1351.B.5 Cleveland weather map, May 1, 1909

CHANGES IN CLIMATE. Lop Basin of Asia.

1361.B.1 Climatic changes, Zone of vegetation, near Chira, Chinese Turkestan. Poplars and tamarisks under diminishing water.
1361.B.2 Climatic changes. Dandon Uilik, Ruin. Tekla Makan Desert, Chinese Turkestan.
1361.B.3 Climatic changes. Ruins of Lulan. Chinese Turkestan.
1361.B.4 Climatic changes, Old beach lines of Lop Nor. Chinese Turkestan, Interior Asia.


1361.C.1 Climatic changes. Desert south of south end of Dead Sea, Syria. The “Wilderness”.
1361.C.2 Climatic changes. Ruins of Palmyra, northern end of Syrian Desert.
1361.C.3 Climatic changes. Ruins of Petra. Western margin Syrian Desert, S. of Dead Sea.
1361.C.4 Climatic changes. Diagrams to show dates of inscriptions in Syrian Desert. Princeton Expedition.


1361.D.1 Map of Yucatan and Central America.
1361.D.2 Map of Yucatan and Central America.
1361.D.3 Climatic changes. Increased rainfall. Farmer’s hut in midst of Labna, Yucatan. Typical of Indians today.
1361.D.4 Climatic changes. Increased rainfall. Arch at Labna, Yucatan.
1361.D.5 Climatic changes. Increased rainfall. Ruins of Chac-Multan, Yucatan.
1361.D.6 Climatic changes. Increased rainfall. Ruins of Copan, Honduras.
1361.D.7 Sites of Mayan occupation at time the Mayan culture dominated Yucatan.


1361.E.1 Arizona and New Mexico.
1361.E.2 Curve of redwood growth and Euro-Asiatic climate curve.
1361.E.3 Yearly increment of wood of 4 trees to show variation and agreement.
1361.E.4 Sequoia tree. Probably 2500 years old. California.
1361.E.5 Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. Ruins of Tivonyi in Canyon de los Frijoles. N.W. New Mexico. near Santa Fe.
1361.E.6 Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. Ruins of Pueblo Bonita, Chaco Canyon, northwest New Mexico.
1361.E.7 Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. Site of ancient village Southern Arizona. Stones for grinding.
1361.E.8 Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. Terraces of Cocospera valley. Mission Church, northern Sonora, Mexico.
1361.E.9 Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. The Trinchera Terraces, Magdelena River, northern Sonora, Mexico.
1361.E.10 Climatic changes. Increasing aridity. The Trinchera Terraces, Magdelena River, northern Sonora, Mexico.